Weekly, regular offerings support the integration of your practice into your everyday life. It is important to clarify what you need at any given moment to go through everyday life with strength and then integrate the practice.

Venue: All weekly offerings take place at the Room for Stillness & Movement and at the LOFT / Kulturetage in Oldenburg.

Registration: or +49 171 4705331. A free trial session is always possible for any of my offerings. No previous knowledge is required. We carry all the necessary knowledge within us.

Dance and meditation are elements that become one in Soul Motion. The meditative elements bring a heightened alertness and presence to the dance, and the space that is created is a space where you are allowed but not required to do and to be. Without interfering we follow the deep, inner and honest impulse into the movement, into the dance. Let the freely improvised choreography of the moment create itself.

In a Soul Motion class we dance through 4 relationship landscapes and simultaneously play with three platforms that form our movement floor.

The relationship landscapes:

  • Dance Intimate – The dance with myself. Solo.
  • Dance Communion – The dance with another. Duet.
  • Dance Community – The dance with everybody. Community.
  • Dance Infinite – The dance into everyday life. With everyone and everything.

The platforms that give a base to our improvised dance in Soul Motion are: 360 degree awareness, presence in movement and stillness, letting yourself be inspired.

You can find more information about Soul Motion here and


Times: fridays 10:45 am to 12:45 pm
Dance room: Room for Stillness & Movement (Hermannstraße 17 in 26135 Oldenburg)
Dates: Summer break until end of july

Times: sundays 11 am to 1 pm
Dance room: Room for Stillness & Movement (Hermannstraße 17 in 26 135 Oldenburg)
Dates: 7.1. / 25.2. / 17.3. / 28.4. / 12.5. / 23.6. / 4.8. / 25.8. / 29.9. / 27.10. / 17.11. / 1.12.2024

Cost: single class 25 EUR, 10-class pass 220 EUR

ONLINE offer Soul Motion “peace is a practice

“Without deep listening and gentle loving speech it is very difficult to move towards peace.” Thich Nhat Hanh

This Soul Motion ONLINE dance space invites you to practice deep listening and gentle loving speech in / through dance and to pacify our body system. In these sessions, space becomes possible to allow calming to take place within us, to tune in peacefully, to cultivate and harbour peace and inner calm within us.

After the summer break, I will adapt my online format and offer a 7 week series.
The reason for this decision is that I want to bring more closeness, depth, continuity and intimacy to my offering and support a more sustainable practice within us.

A regular weekly programme enables us to dance more tangibly within ourselves, the dance is kept more alive in us and we remember it more often.
Furthermore, a regular group provides a safe and familiar space to encounter ourselves and others, nurturing connection with ourselves and within the group.

“peace is a practice” places peace at the centre of our contemplation, our dance.

Peace within us is not simply given to us, we have to cultivate it within ourselves and practice it regularly.
“peace is a practice” is an invitation to each and every one of us to find peace within ourselves in order to dance more peacefully into the world.

Every single session of this series is an opportunity to nurture peace within us and take a peaceful step on this planet.

“if we can take one step in peace, we can take two, three, four, and then five steps for the peace and happiness of humankind” Thich Nhat Hanh

I am happy to be able to facilitate Wednesdays from 6 to 7.30 pm for our online series.
Dates: 31 July / 7 August / 14 August / 21 August / 28 August / 4 September / 11 September 2024
Time: 6 to 7:30 pm
Fee: Euro 120
Registration: If you would like to participate in this dance room, please write me a message ( and you will receive all further information (zoom link / possibilities to send your contribution) personally from me.

If you are not able to make the contribution these days, I will be happy if you contact me.
The dance space is open to everyone and I look forward to finding ways together.

After each session you will receive an email summarising the most important content of the session, with poems / texts used and music inspirations.
This programme is taught in German / English. Everyone is welcome and no previous dance experience is necessary.

I look forward to a peaceful journey together, Doreen.

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