If you would like to take yourself or your practice on a journey, or maybe pass your practice on to others, you can find opportunities on this page.


The Soul Motion Training is a two-year intensive in-person program led by Edgar Spieker, Doreen Tönjes and an international team. The next training starts in January 2024. The training modules build on each other and can be taken in the mentioned order. The time to finish the modules is flexible.

The Foundations allow you to deepen and clarify the basics of the Soul Motion practice. They are the prerequisite for all other parts of the training.

Next opportunities:

November 13 – 17, 2024 Sonnenstrahl / Kisslegg

The second part of the training is about deepening the physical experience with the elements of Soul Motion.

Building on this, we explore the relationship to the dance of everyday life and how to turn Soul Motion into a consistent source of strength for life off the dance floor.

The next opportunity to experience Part 2 is in 2024!

In-person: January 14-21, 2024
Location: North Germany

In-person: September 15-22, 2024
Location: North Germany

The third part of the Soul Motion Training helps you to turn your passion for the practice into a profession and to open spaces for people who want to practice Soul Motion.

This part of the training focuses on the methodology and didactics of teaching Soul Motion.

The next opportunity to experience part 3 is in 2025!
In-person: September 7 – 14, 2025
Location: North Germany

In-person: November 9 – 16, 2025
Location: South Germany

Our training is recognized as professional development by the Lower Saxony Agency for Adult and Continuing Education (AEWB). For more information about the Soul Motion Institute and to register, visit

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